Walking Your Talk?

Maria I. MorganBible Studies, Blog Archive

With a background in fitness and nutrition, and knowledge about the evils of sugar, it’s kind of embarrassing for me to admit I have the biggest sweet tooth ever. I enjoy baking and have used sugary confections as a reward more than a time or two. While a balanced diet can include the occasional dessert – I have to limit myself so things don’t get out of hand.

Training That Lasts

Maria I. MorganBible Studies, Blog Archive

My Dad’s chronic illness played a major role in determining my course of study in college. I knew I wanted to pursue something in the field of wellness. A job that focused on healthy lifestyle choices as opposed to rehab was right up my alley.

Words a Day: How Do You Use Them?

Maria I. MorganBible Studies, Blog Archive

Stop and think: how have you used your tongue today? Aside from tasting food, and swallowing, what kind of words have you spoken? Words have the power to build someone up, and they can also tear that person down. We need to be very careful to use our words the right way.

Beauty Does

Maria I. MorganBible Studies, Blog Archive

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? On average, it usually takes me an hour. Showering is a breeze, it’s wrestling with my hair that keeps the clock ticking. Those of you with fine hair know what I’m talking about. We applaud the invention of hairspray and look forward to those days of little to no humidity. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating, but you get the point.