Bigger than Me

Maria I. MorganBlog Archive, Understanding God's Character

Bigger Than Me

Fever, cough and congestion – the doctor said it was the respiratory flu. Not exactly how I wanted the year to begin. I tried to look on the positive side; I had been healthy through the holidays. But as the days passed and I didn’t feel any better, discouragement set in and my thoughts became negative. Ever been there?

I’d like to say that my circumstances didn’t affect my attitude. That I embraced the ‘trial’ with joy as the apostle James instructs us in his epistle. But I didn’t – my thoughts gravitated toward frustration and complaining. It required too much effort to discipline my thinking.

I’m so glad the Lord is familiar with our weaknesses. As I’ve recuperated, He’s gently shown me these areas and reminded me that I CAN discipline my thinking as I surrender to Him. Such a simple truth. But not always easy to live out.

Not What She Expected

Remember Mary, Lazarus’ sister? She had watched her brother get sick and had probably tried all the usual remedies to help him recover. As he got weaker, Mary and her sister, Martha, sent for Jesus – letting him know how serious Lazarus’ illness was.

Several days passed, yet Jesus didn’t come. Now instead of rejoicing over Lazarus’ recovery, the sisters were grieving his death.  If only Jesus had been there, surely He could have healed their brother.

When Jesus was close to their town of Bethany, Martha left the house to meet Him. Mary stayed put. She was mourning and probably unable to see beyond the horrible reality: Lazarus was dead.

Disappointment & Despair

In her despair Mary forgot that Jesus was God.

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Because things hadn’t turned out the way she thought they would, Mary lost all hope. But Jesus knew Mary’s frailties. He called her from the house and she poured out her grief:

. . . Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.John 11:32b

If the Lord had done things the way she thought He should have, this entire situation could have been avoided. Sounds pretty ridiculous, right? But my thinking often follows the same pattern as Mary’s.

A Big God

How did the Lord respond? With gentleness and a heart of compassion. We see Him weep over the death of his friend, Lazarus. We watch in amazement as He prays to the Father and raises Lazarus from the dead. Jesus reveals a new truth about Himself – He IS the resurrection, and the life (John 11:25).

I’m sure Mary realized she didn’t have Jesus all figured out. Neither do I. This story reminds me that God is so much bigger than me. Yet because He loves me, He invites me to draw close and see His glory – to trust Him and know His plan is the best thing for me. 

It’s when I ground myself in the truths of God’s Word that I can be the woman God created me to be.

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Your turn

Have you ever limited God with preconceived expectations? What step will you take today to let Him work in your life?

Can I pray for you?

Heavenly Father, Forgive me for expecting You to do things my way. Thank You for reminding me that You are great. Your love for me is unfathomable. Help me leave things in Your very capable hands and let me see a glimpse of Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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