What’s It Worth To You?

Maria I. MorganUnderstanding God's Plan, Understanding God's Truth

I’m a fragrance girl. I love all different kinds of scents – from the fresh, invigorating ones, to those with floral notes – it’s always a treat to add a new perfume to my assortment. But the price has to be right. Admittedly, I’m a bargain shopper; always on the hunt for the best deal

What I Learned from a Former Prostitute

Maria I. MorganUnderstanding God's Plan

There are some pretty colorful characters sprinkled throughout the pages of Scripture. Have you ever thought about it? Murderers, thieves, prostitutes – not the kind of people you and I are looking to emulate. But something happened in each person’s life that made him/her a hero in spite of a sullied background.

Not Your Ordinary Hero

Maria I. MorganUnderstanding God's Truth

Who is your hero? Is there someone in your life you look to as a role model? Chances are, your hero probably doesn’t possess super-powers or wear a red cape. People that make me sit up and take notice are those who choose to serve rather than be served. Those who treat others with respect even when they’re treated poorly.

The Powerhouse of Prayer – Guest Post by Leslie Bennett

Maria I. MorganUnderstanding God's Plan

Her humble, sweet disposition was the first thing I noticed. I had the privilege of meeting Leslie Bennett, the Women’s Ministries Initiatives Director for Revive Our Hearts, at the True Woman Conference held in Indianapolis in 2014. As I got to know her, it was her passion for prayer that spoke loud and clear.

How’s Your Prayer-Life?

Maria I. MorganUnderstanding God's Character

Exercise – check. Feed pets – check. Finish Bible study – check. Put dinner in the crockpot – check. Sometimes my days seem like a list of activities I live to check off. Yours too? It’s when I stop long enough to listen to that still, small voice that I remember life is so much more:

That’s Not Me Talking

Maria I. MorganBlog Archive

Several years ago, I had the privilege of meeting Susan Starnes at a Christian Writer’s Group in north Georgia. Although the group no longer meets, Susan and I have continued to stay in contact.

I admire Susan for so many reasons. She is a faithful prayer warrior. She’s been through some extremely trying times with both her mother and mother-in-law. She’s a real-life example of what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

The Right Response When Things Go Wrong

Maria I. MorganBlog Archive

How do you respond when things get tough? If you’re like me, too often you try to figure out how to ‘fix’ whatever it is, so the problem goes away. We don’t like difficult situations and the sooner we can find a solution the better.

Never Forget

Maria I. MorganUnderstanding God's Plan

I’ve watched my friend Kelli Canfield go through some stormy times the past few years as she’s battled with chronic illness. Never one to complain, she’s chosen to use the trial God’s allowed in her life as a means of ministering to others. She has been and continues to be a source of inspiration as she daily lives out what it looks like to allow Christ to be strong in her weakness.

No Longer Thirsty

Maria I. MorganUnderstanding God's Character

The sun was probably high in the sky when she stepped into the unbearable heat and headed to the well. The Samaritan woman was sure to be the only one getting water at this hour. That was the idea.

Something Far Better

Maria I. MorganUnderstanding God's Character

He seemed tentative at first. His big, amber eyes glanced from me to the ground and back again. This wasn’t our usual routine. Our Chesapeake Bay retriever, Joe, was used to exiting his area from one location – and this wasn’t the right place. Could he trust me? Would everything be okay if he came out of his territory another way?