Training That Lasts

Maria I. MorganBible Studies, Blog Archive

My Dad’s chronic illness played a major role in determining my course of study in college. I knew I wanted to pursue something in the field of wellness. A job that focused on healthy lifestyle choices as opposed to rehab was right up my alley.

Go with the Flow, or Take a Stand?

Maria I. MorganUnderstanding God's Truth

I’m not an early morning person. Getting out of a warm bed in the dark isn’t very appealing. When I wake up, I have a choice to make: embrace the day with all its God-given potential, or be lazy and simply roll over and drift back to sleep.
Have you ever noticed how quickly things get off track when you don’t do what you’re supposed to do? My normal morning routine looks something like this: take care of our pets, exercise, read my Bible and pray, get ready for the day. But when I choose to sleep in, I end up having to skip my exercise or postpone my Bible study until later. Yes, sleep is important – but discipline has a place in my life too.