What I Learned from a Former Prostitute

Maria I. MorganUnderstanding God's Plan

There are some pretty colorful characters sprinkled throughout the pages of Scripture. Have you ever thought about it? Murderers, thieves, prostitutes – not the kind of people you and I are looking to emulate. But something happened in each person’s life that made him/her a hero in spite of a sullied background.

Not Your Ordinary Hero

Maria I. MorganUnderstanding God's Truth

Who is your hero? Is there someone in your life you look to as a role model? Chances are, your hero probably doesn’t possess super-powers or wear a red cape. People that make me sit up and take notice are those who choose to serve rather than be served. Those who treat others with respect even when they’re treated poorly.

Never Forget

Maria I. MorganUnderstanding God's Plan

I’ve watched my friend Kelli Canfield go through some stormy times the past few years as she’s battled with chronic illness. Never one to complain, she’s chosen to use the trial God’s allowed in her life as a means of ministering to others. She has been and continues to be a source of inspiration as she daily lives out what it looks like to allow Christ to be strong in her weakness.

Something Far Better

Maria I. MorganUnderstanding God's Character

He seemed tentative at first. His big, amber eyes glanced from me to the ground and back again. This wasn’t our usual routine. Our Chesapeake Bay retriever, Joe, was used to exiting his area from one location – and this wasn’t the right place. Could he trust me? Would everything be okay if he came out of his territory another way?

Rock Solid

Maria I. MorganBlog Archive, Understanding God's Character

I was born in the mid-60’s. A lot has changed since then. Throughout the years, men and women in prominent positions passed laws that have legalized abortion and redefined marriage.

Stay Safe & Secure

Maria I. MorganBlog Archive, Understanding God's Character

Who doesn’t love a castle? Although I wouldn’t sign up to live in one, the moats, drawbridges and thick walls outdo my security system any day of the week. Castles were built to keep intruders out while the occupants stayed safe and sound inside.